Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tomorrow i'm goin for tis IT programme thingy(2hrs!), then, i'm goin to NCPS! cuz they have dance camp lol. can't go for long though... still nid eat lunch, then do chinese project research all before 1.30! Got Geography remedia lehhs,.. damn rush for all of 1A...cuz canteen nv open! Haiz..
ME signing off.......:]
7:26 AM
Friday, May 29, 2009

Chinatown trip, family photo!;p
6:45 PM
6:35 PM
Today meet tha parents session. Collected our report books.
My dad came lehhs...My scores are so lousy , and i'm like below
average for my position in the level>.<>
voice very hoarse and Yesterday dance practice even
worse, cannot even talk!We juniors sit on tha mirror side,
and watch seniors dance, but the air-con so cold until i got a little
bit fever;p. Dunno wad else to say, so byebye>>:]
12:33 AM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Now what? Spammin' competition? you guys go flood my cbox until so damn ... .. .. lol:]Dun worry, tha spammin queen will be me! I'll beat you guys HANDS DOWN! warning:beware! cause your cbox will, or could be flooded on my royal arrival....:]labels: spammin' is FUN.
6:11 AM
Saturday, May 23, 2009
1:23 AM
Changed my blogskin! hope you guys like it!:]
1:18 AM
Friday, May 22, 2009
Went out to watch movie wif fwens.>>Night at the museum 2. It was so funny lol. there were those stupid/funny/whacky/brainy bobbed-headed einsteins, and they were going lyk-that's the way! uh huh uh huh I like it! uh huh uh huh ....>>.....>.. LOL . The whole time, was lyk ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH-zhi hui. Beatrice(wee) freaggin he says he comin to watch movie with us, and then every1 was lyk-omg, first time see him. especially beatrice. She totally freaked out , and then when she saw him, nervous break down. didn't dare ta talk to him. diao.if she have been talking to him on tha phone,like every single day(i think) and for soooo long, I dunno why she is so nervous to talk to him. ..........?
Tha show was awesome! every1 should go watch tha movie!
5:42 PM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Rio Tinto science thingy taday. Tis was quite 'fun' actually,
sitting there wasting your time in a hugely-enormous
air-conditioned room with nothing to] Then
went to compass wif my mates, ate at kopitiam wif James,
Zi cheng and Eleen. lol. Go down to subway to meet Vivian
and Beatrice(wee), and got on their nerves (actually, only
Beatrice)as I kept on blabbering about some stuff...[nut gonna tell]:p
Went back ta NC and played the coms in tha library:]
all of us were lyk bloggin and then i went and spammed
Beatrice and Vivian's blog>>HARHAR. Spammin is serious fun:p
Vivian-not really, but Beatrice? YEA! lots, whole chatbox
bursting already LOL. It was lyk, a spammin competition
or s' thin. we were practically sitting next to each other,
but we 'communicated' by typing in her Cbox! TOTALLY
To Beatrice: Seniors ROCK. hahahahahahahahahaha.....>>
lalalalalalalalalalalalalala.....>>>Just answering your post:]harhar
label: totally~awesome.
5:54 AM
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
5:27 PM
Exams are over... nothing to do... bored.[smile]
5:26 PM
Friday, May 15, 2009
nice. today, 15th May 2009, i saw so many of me ex-mates!OMG.saw Jav. she cut her hair until so short! almost couldn't recognise her! saw Wee keong, Xin Yi, and Terrence... Tis like suddenly i saw this fat boy walking an d then realised it was terrence.LOL.
2:37 AM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Awww man! Exams next Tues!!!! And I proudly announce that I've not studied yet....
Hais... so many ppl sick,but,... YAY! Rebecca senior has recovered from fever!!!!!
LOL, tis post is soooo random.
1:46 AM